Everything to Know About Getting an Astrology Reading

I often have clients ask me how often they can book an astrology reading. My go to answer (which will be different for every astrologer) is: six months from their last one at the earliest, yearly for a detailed overview, and shorter check ins as needed. This works and makes sense to me because I practice Evolutionary Astrology — a branch of Astrology that sees life as a place for our souls to grow and evolve. Because this is soul work, time plays a big part in the digestion and integration of the conversations we have. Life has to play out in order for the lessons and growth to take place.

If you’ve also found yourself feeling fuzzy on the sourcing, duration, and longevity of astrology readings, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to dive into the nuances and complexities of astrology readings from the perspective of an Astrologer.

Astrology, like the universe, is endless.

Astrology is a black hole. There are numerous techniques, house systems, and ways of interpreting things. While Astrology does adhere to structure, hierarchy, and archetypes that give it a universal form, it is a subject akin to art where there are both fixed guidelines and endless applications. It is a tool that is open to interpretation and that is ultimately what an Astrologer is. They are a translator of the stars. Through their own studies and experiences, they create a version of this cosmic language and share it with the world. 

When you have a reading with an Astrologer you are engaging with their form of Astrology. A formula of knowledge mixed together with personality and perspective. While you will receive consistent universal truths and interpretations of certain parts of your chart from every Astrologer, other pieces will only come to life through the unique lens and language of specific Astrologers. 

This is one of the main reasons I recommend getting readings from multiple Astrologers. It is also a reason to seek out and immerse yourself in various teachers and sources of information when studying Astrology.

That being said, one Astrologer may deeply resonate with you, and it is perfectly understandable and okay to get readings from one trusted source! 

Once you have pinned down the Astrologer(s) you want to work with, here’s what to know about astrology readings:

One reading, simply put, is not enough.

Your first birth chart reading or an astrology reading specifically focused on explaining and exploring the core parts of the birth chart lends itself to being a little more timeless. You can commit what is shared and highlighted to memory. The contents of your birth chart are fixed after all. However, even though your birth chart doesn’t change, the EXPRESSION of what’s in it can and will. That is because there are multiple ways a sign, planet, or aspects energy can play out. 

Think about it this way: how many shades of blue are there? Probably about as many shades as there are ways for Mercury in Cancer to express itself. Or for Sun conjunct Saturn in Pisces to play out. 

While a certain placement in your chart may have operated a specific way due to upbringing or location, they can and will shift over time for varying reasons including growth, relocation, and awareness.

Often times I’ll connect with people who think a birth chart reading is a one and done deal. I am quick and excited to share that it’s not! 

Within my own chart, I have Mercury and Venus in my 10th house of career. In my life, I have worked over 30 jobs! It sounds crazy but most of them are perfectly in alignment with the Mercurial and Venusian influences in my 10th house (not to mention my Gemini Midheaven).

If I only ever got one astrology reading and listened to the handful of suggested jobs for my chart at the time, I would feel both limited by what I felt I could do, and embarrassed by the amount of times I’ve wanted to (and did) pivot to a new role. 

What’s in your mind and heart when you make changes is more than likely echoed in your birth chart. Reconnecting to our charts more than once can help us feel confident and validated as we navigate through our lives.

And this brings me to another passion point of mine: 

Some astrology readings are ephemeral. 

There are techniques in Astrology that are helpful for understanding our growth and the timing of our lives. These techniques can help us to navigate the cosmic weather we find ourselves under with more grace and awareness. 

If you are getting a reading that is more predictive in nature and focused on timing techniques (transits, progressions, solar return charts etc) it is important to understand that these have an expiration date. What is stated and shared during the reading may be impactful and live on in your mind forever, but the event itself will end and generally bring any guidance or explanations to a close. 

Transits and other timed events map and offer growth through specific themes and lessons. When one cycle ends or closes, another will begin, bringing with it an entirely new set of themes and lessons. More than likely, you will need a different set of tools and support for this new cycle.

If you are going through challenging times in the present, a reading from two years ago may not offer the support and understanding you need now. Much like visiting the doctor two years ago when you had the flu, won’t help with the sprained wrist you have today.

It’s all in flux.

The changeable nature of humans combined with the ever changing movement of the planets creates a story that is in constant motion. The cosmos and your part in it is a cacophony of information. It is up to the astrologer to distill this information for their client and determine what is useful and necessary to talk about during the short time they are together (while of course using the clients questions and stories to guide this process).

A good astrology reading should answer your questions and offer you insight that is grounding and supportive. A good astrology reading should get you what you need. But this reading will only ever be a paragraph or chapter within that greater story. Because astrology, like the cosmos, is so vast, the conversation cannot be done. Astrology is a tool that is reflecting our complex and storied human experience, and so the conversation will carry on for the rest of our lives.

Even if you only get one astrology reading in the entirety of your life, I encourage everyone to stay in constant conversation with their birth chart. It is, after all, a map of your soul. A detailed and delightful map that offers endless celestial guidance on how to navigate existential terrain. Download apps, listen to podcasts, google a new part of your chart everyday. No matter how you do it, just keep the conversation going. 


If you want to expand your astrology knowledge here is a list of my favorite resources.

If you want to experience my interpretation of the stars, you can book a reading here.


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